This draft report sets out Frontier Economics’ expert advice on the wholesale market value of the electricity that solar PV systems export to the grid, for 2011/12 and 2012/13.
The Premier of NSW has requested that IPART undertake an investigation into a fair and reasonable value for electricity generated from small-scale solar photovoltaic systems.
The Minister for Climate Change, Minister for Energy, Minister for the Environment and Minister for Heritage has asked IPART to set an annual benchmark range for feed-in tariffs for the financial years 2024-25 to 2026-27.
This fact sheet briefly summarises our key findings on the characteristics of PV units in NSW, and discusses what we considered to be the key messages for PV customers.
When the Solar Bonus Scheme (SBS) ends on 31 December 2016, SBS customers will stop receiving a subsidised feed-in tariff of either 60 cents or 20 cents per kWh for the electricity they export.
This Fact Sheet provides solar customers with information on what to consider in comparing electricity market offers and the range of offers likely to be available to solar customers after the Solar Bonus Scheme ends.