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Roof tops of Sydney suburb
Special Rate Variation and Minimum Rate applications have closed

Read more about the Special Variations process for 2025-26 and subscribe for email updates.

Aerial photo of Broken Hill
Update: Broken Hill power outage investigation

IPART has provided an update on progress relating to the investigation of the power outages that affected Broken Hill and Far West in October 2024.

People ride a ferry
Maximum Opal fares until July 2028

IPART has completed its review of maximum Opal fares until July 2028.

Our final decisions result in a 2% average real increase compared to current maximum fares. 

Taxis waiting at a rank
Maximum fares for rank and hail taxi services

IPART is now looking at taxi fares from Sydney Airport to different destinations, including the CBD, as part of our review into the maximum fares for rank and hail taxis.

Mother and toddler fill a glass with water from the tap
Prices for Sydney Water Corporation from 1 July 2025

IPART is reviewing the maximum prices that Sydney Water can charge customers to provide water, wastewater, stormwater, and other services. 

The prices we set in this review will apply from 1 July 2025 for 5 years.

Multi-generational family pictured in front of a home
Insurance Monitor Quarterly Report - October 2024

IPART has been appointed as the Insurance Monitor under the Emergency Services Levy Insurance Monitor Act 2024. As Insurance Monitor, IPART will monitor insurers’ pricing and conduct during the transition from the emergency services levy to a new model for funding the State’s emergency services. 

Media Release

IPART will extend its review of prices that Sydney Water is proposing to charge by 3 months to ensure all aspects of the proposal can be

Media Release

IPART has released its annual reports on the performance and competitiveness of the NSW retail electricity and gas markets in 2023-24.

Speech bubble

Have your say

Your feedback is important to our consultation process. Make a submission or attend a public hearing to have your say. 

Recent reviews

Review of electricity network operators' critical infrastructure licence conditions
In progress
Other Industries
2023 Review of rents for communication sites on certain Crown land
2 days left for submissions
Local Government
Review of IPART’s approach to assessing contributions plans
11 days left for submissions
Maximum fares for rank and hail taxi services from 1 July 2025
28 days left for registrations

Climate Change Prioritised

IPART has adopted a statement and framework on climate change