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Taxis waiting at a rank
Maximum fares for rank and hail taxi services

IPART has been asked to review and make recommendations on the maximum fares for travel in taxis caught from a taxi rank or hailed from the street (“rank and hail taxi services”).

hand with opal card and reader
Maximum Opal fares

IPART’s draft report on Maximum Opal fares until July 2028 is available for review.

We have made recommendations on proposed maximum fares for the next 4 years on rail, bus, ferry, light rail, metro and on-demand services within the Opal network. This also applies to the Greater Sydney, the Blue Mountains, the Central Coast, the Illawarra, and the Hunter.

Telecommunication tower on a hilltop
Rental prices for communication sites on certain Crown lands

We are seeking stakeholder feedback on our draft report which recommends rental prices for communication sites on certain Crown lands.

We are also recommending a new approach for communication sites on rooftops.

To have your say, make a submission to us online by 12 August 2024. We will also be releasing details about an upcoming public hearing very soon.

Media Release

IPART has invited people and businesses involved in the NSW biodiversity credits market to provide feedback on a series of issues related

Media Release

Taxi customers, taxi service providers and the community have been invited to provide feedback for a review by the State’s pricing regula

Speech bubble

Have your say

Your feedback is important to our consultation process. Make a submission or attend a public hearing to have your say. 

Recent reviews

Maximum Opal fares until July 2028
7 days left for submissions
Maximum fares for rank and hail taxi services from 1 July 2025
11 days left for submissions
Monitoring the NSW retail energy markets 2023-24
11 days left for submissions
Other Industries
Monitoring the NSW Biodiversity Credits Markets
18 days left for registrations

Climate Change Prioritised

IPART has adopted a statement and framework on climate change