Information about how IPART handles submissions

Public submissions

Your submissions are essential to our work. If we are considering an issue that matters to you, we want to hear from you.

We use your feedback to understand your views about the issues we investigate, and to gather new ideas and insights.

This page outlines how you can make a submission to one of our reviews and what we will do with your submission. Please read our Submissions Policy for more information and guidance

How to make a submission

You can make a submission in writing or, if you need assistance, verbally to one of our staff. To speak to us using an interpreter, please call the National Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 and ask them to call us on (02) 9290 8400.

The best way to make a written submission is via the have your say page for the relevant review before the published due date.

Alternatively, you can email or mail your submission to us, attaching a completed cover sheet.


Mail:     Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal

             PO Box K35

             Haymarket Post Shop NSW 1240

If you need assistance to make a verbal submission, please phone (02) 9290 8400 and ask to speak to the contact for the relevant review. Please see our detailed Submissions Policy for more information about making a verbal submission.

We will consider your submission

Public submissions improve our recommendations and decision-making by providing us with a range of perspectives. Your submission lets us know what is important to you.

We will take the information you provide into account before we make decisions and show that we have listened to your views by referring to public input in our reports and other publications.

We will usually publish your name and your submission

Unless you request otherwise, we will generally publish your name and your submission on our website. This supports our commitment to transparency: if we are going to take information into account in doing our work, we try to make that information as publicly available as possible. 

However, we will protect your privacy by blacking out other personal information that may appear in your submission, such as your address and signature. 

If you believe your submission contains information that should not be made public, please let us know (this is called making a claim for confidentiality).

If you have concerns about your submission being published under your name, you may ask us not to publish your name (and we will publish your submission without your name). You do not need to make a confidentiality claim for us to suppress your name. If you decide not to tell us your name, we may publish and consider your submission as an anonymous submission.

Please see our detailed submissions policy for more information.