Assessment completed
IPART has completed its assessment of the contributions that The Hills Shire Council can levy developers in the Bella Vista and Kellyville Station Precincts (CP18).
CP18 is a new contributions plan. Over the next 25 years, contributions from CP18 will go towards providing local infrastructure such as pedestrian bridges, roundabouts, parks and stormwater management facilities. This infrastructure will service the new residential, retail and commercial developments planned for the Precincts.
The council submitted the plan to IPART for assessment because its proposed contributions ($23,962 per 2 bedroom unit) exceed the cap of $20,000 per house, which applies in this area.
Our assessment ensures that developers pay the reasonable cost of providing local infrastructure required by new development in the precincts.
Our recommendations would increase the total cost of CP18 from $149.6 million to $160.1 million representing an increase of $10.5 million (7%). We consider this increase is reasonable because it reflects new infrastructure that is required to service new development and more accurate site-specific costs that are based on a quantity surveyor report. This includes revised costs for the Viaduct Park and a new vehicular bridge over Elizabeth Macarthur creek. The contribution rates for a 2-bedroom dwelling would be $24,098, an increase of $136 or less than 1%.
The Final Report on IPART’s review of Bella Vista and Kellyville Station Precincts Section 7.11 Contributions Plan is available on our website.