IPART has decided to conduct a review of the critical infrastructure licence conditions within the
licences of Transgrid, Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy, Essential Energy and ACEREZ (network operators). These conditions are contained within the licences in force under the Electricity Supply Act 1995.
IPART is responsible for making recommendations to the Minister with respect to licences or
licence conditions.
The current critical infrastructure licence conditions establish protections to support supply
security and sovereignty, including cyber security. We seek to ensure licence conditions are in the public interest and reflect public expectations, best practice and the network operators’ circumstances.
We are interested to hear what you think about our proposed draft licence conditions. Our draft
report sets out our preliminary positions on the current licence conditions.
IPART is currently seeking stakeholder views with submissions due by Friday 20 December 2024.
You can make a submission here.
Once we have considered all stakeholder input on our draft package, we will finalise our
recommendations, including the recommended licences and associated documents, and provide them to the Minister.