In this review IPART has determined Sydney Catchment Authority’s bulk water charges to Sydney Water Corporation and its other customers to apply from 1 July 200
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Regulation 2012 (IPART Regulation) was due to be automatically repealed on 1 September 2017 under the Subordinat
IPART has reviewed the maximum prices that WaterNSW can charge for bulk water supply to its customers in the Greater Sydney area, including its main customer Sy
In this review IPART determined Gosford City Council and Wyong Shire Council’s charges for the provision of water, sewerage, stormwater, trade waste and other a
15 Jun 2014 IPART has completed its review of Essential Energy's water and sewerage prices in Broken Hill.We have released a Final Report on our decisions, on 2
IPART has established the Regulators Advisory Panel (RAP), which aims to promote better collaboration between water regulators in NSW for the benefit of custome
10 Mar 2014 IPART is currently undertaking a review of Essential Energy's water and sewerage prices in Broken Hill.We have released a Draft Report on our decisi
IPART has completed its review of Essential Energy's water and sewerage prices in Broken Hill.We have released a Final Report on our decisions, on 23 June 2014.
IPART held two information webinars on 24 August 2021 and 26 August 2021 on our water price review process for our 2021-22 Central Coast Council water price rev